Archive for the ‘photography’ Category

French Macarons


Just because . . .

I was flooded with an insane amount of good news recently.  Friends, this entry is for you. Med School Win! I received a phone call on Friday from L, my best friend since High School.  Awesome news!  She was accepted into UCSF med school.  I, in the middle of crossing the street at this point, […]

Long delayed photos from my trip to Taiwan in August 2011.  Buddha fruit, watermelons, bakery, city scenes in Taipei . . .(I’ve been having problems with wordpress handling my photos– I’m going to have to re-edit and resubmit them. )

Woken up by a phone call (not so perfect, actually, I suppose).  But it was my mother, who was astonished that, for the first time in months, I was still asleep after 10:00 AM.  I was also pleasantly surprised. I slowly crept around my room, quietly stretching out and becoming human again.  My door swung […]

Sunday Funday, my friends, is dangerous. The Girls Went out with some friends last weekend for my first ever Sunday Funday. This was our itinerary: Bisou— First stop @11.30 AM.  Bottomless mimosas.  An excellent club sandwich (see top photo).  Fun company! Lookout SF— Stop two.  Seemed like everyone from Bisou decided to migrate over to […]

Come out and support my friend, E, as he launches his booklet!  In my last post, I met with E at a coffeeshop (slash-winebar) called Ma’Velous, where he was setting out and planning the layout for his upcoming show and fundraiser. The event is co-hosted by Sidewalk Empire ( and HYPHEN Magazine (  There’s a […]

Coffee coffee coffee. What’s better than taking a coffee with a good friend on a chill San Francisco morning?  Taking the coffee at a place like Mavelous ( I’ve passed Mavelous countless times since it opened in 2010.  With it’s elegant yet chic decor, it’s a place that I always wanted to venture into, but […]

I’m a simple girl, really.  Give me a slice of panforte from Tartine and a steaming hot, rich espresso, and I am content.  Christmas morning was quiet.  Simple.  Delicious. (I want to post more and allow people to enjoy my food with me– which may mean entries that are out of order chronologically, depending on […]

Happy Holidays!


Dearest readers, Happy holidays!  Consider this my little holiday card from me to you. Complete with a recipe down below (under the fold)!  Hope this e-card finds all of you happy and well– and fattened up with great holiday food! What are all of you doing for the holidays?  Best wishes for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, […]

When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence. ~Ansel Adams Oh, Taiwan. Taiwan often leaves me speechless.  So today I will allow photography to take the place of my words.  These photos are the first set from my trip there earlier this year in August.  There was purple […]