Archive for the ‘desserts’ Category

French Macarons


Just because . . .

I was flooded with an insane amount of good news recently.  Friends, this entry is for you. Med School Win! I received a phone call on Friday from L, my best friend since High School.  Awesome news!  She was accepted into UCSF med school.  I, in the middle of crossing the street at this point, […]

Long delayed photos from my trip to Taiwan in August 2011.  Buddha fruit, watermelons, bakery, city scenes in Taipei . . .(I’ve been having problems with wordpress handling my photos– I’m going to have to re-edit and resubmit them. )

I’m a simple girl, really.  Give me a slice of panforte from Tartine and a steaming hot, rich espresso, and I am content.  Christmas morning was quiet.  Simple.  Delicious. (I want to post more and allow people to enjoy my food with me– which may mean entries that are out of order chronologically, depending on […]

Happy Holidays!


Dearest readers, Happy holidays!  Consider this my little holiday card from me to you. Complete with a recipe down below (under the fold)!  Hope this e-card finds all of you happy and well– and fattened up with great holiday food! What are all of you doing for the holidays?  Best wishes for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, […]

It’s been one of those years.  One of those years that’s so full that it feels like a thousand years jammed into a single, simple 365-day run. So full that I don’t know where to begin. I’ll just start somewhere and see where it ends up. After all, that’s how most stories begin. Forget the […]

Got this fortune in my cookie on Saturday.  I might need to frame it and hang it up in my room somewhere to keep me going. I wonder how accurate it is– one of my current plans is to marry a multi-millionaire (or was it billionaire?).   😀  I wonder . . .  If you are […]

This may seem a bit astonishing to some of your coffee addicts out there, but I managed to make it through nearly a quarter century without imbibing that morning poison that everyone else seems to be addicted to.  That’s right, coffee. The reason for my long abstinence from coffee stems from learning about taste buds […]

I would not say that I’m particularly healthy.  Goodness knows that the pounds of fatty iberian ham I stuffed down my gullet in Spain is proof of that.  But sometimes a healthy streak kicks in, and I eat healthy enough to impress even the healthiest health freak! So I present to you . . .

One of the drinks that anyone who visits the Basque Country must try is  txakoli. Pronounced cha-kho-lee, this pale wine is actually a type of sidra, or cider.  The flavor can vary from very sweet, almost soda-like, to much more brut, with almost a hint of bitterness.  Some people love it, and others . . […]