Archive for the ‘Recipes’ Category

Happy Holidays!


Dearest readers, Happy holidays!  Consider this my little holiday card from me to you. Complete with a recipe down below (under the fold)!  Hope this e-card finds all of you happy and well– and fattened up with great holiday food! What are all of you doing for the holidays?  Best wishes for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, […]

I’m lost.  Freedom is odd.  I don’t like being idle, and I kept myself accordingly busy throughout highschool, college, and law school.  Even during my time off between, I’d spend 4-5 days a week playing volleyball in the evenings after work. Now I’m at a loss.  My life was completely consumed the past few months […]

Risotto is the ultimate comfort food.  The smooth and chewy texture of rice cooked to plump perfection in a thick, starchy sauce flavored with a light hint of spices and cheese is heaven.  When a large pot of risotto is slowly simmering on the stovetop with an aroma chock full of flavors just waiting to […]

The only way to study properly is to eat properly, I say.  Brain food is key. Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to eat unhealthy while studying.  Just ask any law student– how many of us have gotten into better shape since we started?  Yeah, that’s what I thought. Anyway, while I was camping out in […]

I’ve been trying to eat more greens recently.  Trying to be healthy, I suppose (although you wouldn’t be able to tell from the number of french macarons that find their way into my belly).  So I made this pasta.  It’s delicious!  You can really mix and match the ingredients, and it will come out tasty […]

Honestly, I never understood why people didn’t like brussels sprouts.  Even as a kid, I enjoyed eating what I thought were miniature cabbages when they were served for lunch at school. Obviously they weren’t miniature cabbages.  And they really don’t taste much like miniature cabbages either.  In fact, many years later, I discovered that they […]

I would not say that I’m particularly healthy.  Goodness knows that the pounds of fatty iberian ham I stuffed down my gullet in Spain is proof of that.  But sometimes a healthy streak kicks in, and I eat healthy enough to impress even the healthiest health freak! So I present to you . . .

[Quick update:  I am back home in my little apartment in the Sarriko district of Bilbao.  The hospital, in its infinite kindness, only kept me bedridden for two nights after my surgery and finally sent me home in an ambulance.  The first time I ever ride an ambulance, and it’s in Spain . . .  […]

Greetings all! Unfortunately, my return entry into the food blogosphere is accompanied by less than happy news.   I am currently writing to you from the coziness of a hospital bed in the middle of Basque Country– Bilbao. What happened, you may ask?  Sigh.  Let me fill you in. Since the theft of my beloved DSLR […]

Bilbao is home to some of the best food I have ever eaten in my life (I have yet to be disappointed here– something that I cannot apply to all the cities I’ve been to).  But sometimes I crave something a little more . . .  homey. So when my roommate, P, and I were […]