Posts Tagged ‘graduation’

I was flooded with an insane amount of good news recently.  Friends, this entry is for you. Med School Win! I received a phone call on Friday from L, my best friend since High School.  Awesome news!  She was accepted into UCSF med school.  I, in the middle of crossing the street at this point, […]

Doesn’t it look absolutely delicious? You’re drooling, right?  OH yes..  FIRST! On the 15th of May, 2011, a group of my friends and I walked the short distance across a brightly lit stage in the middle of downtown San Francisco.  People said they cheered.  I don’t remember– it was all a blur.  But at the […]

Since coming home, I’ve been trying to eat healthier.  Law school is not conducive to weight loss, and I’ve taken it upon myself to lose some law school flub in the next few weeks.  By eating several small meals a day and working out like a madwoman (I played tennis twice yesterday and ran/walked over […]