Archive for the ‘Vegetarian’ Category

The only way to study properly is to eat properly, I say.  Brain food is key. Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to eat unhealthy while studying.  Just ask any law student– how many of us have gotten into better shape since we started?  Yeah, that’s what I thought. Anyway, while I was camping out in […]

I’ve been trying to eat more greens recently.  Trying to be healthy, I suppose (although you wouldn’t be able to tell from the number of french macarons that find their way into my belly).  So I made this pasta.  It’s delicious!  You can really mix and match the ingredients, and it will come out tasty […]

Honestly, I never understood why people didn’t like brussels sprouts.  Even as a kid, I enjoyed eating what I thought were miniature cabbages when they were served for lunch at school. Obviously they weren’t miniature cabbages.  And they really don’t taste much like miniature cabbages either.  In fact, many years later, I discovered that they […]

I would not say that I’m particularly healthy.  Goodness knows that the pounds of fatty iberian ham I stuffed down my gullet in Spain is proof of that.  But sometimes a healthy streak kicks in, and I eat healthy enough to impress even the healthiest health freak! So I present to you . . .

Slip of the tongue there.  Iron Chef, indeed! I do miss watching that show, though.  It was great fun seeing two chefs go head to head and produce some fabulous dishes that I would probably never ever think of, much less be able to come up with in the span of 60 fast-ticking minutes! Man, […]

I’m not sure when I developed this craving for limoncello, but sometime last week I felt the irresistible urge to buy lemons and vodka (couldn’t find Everclear– maybe next time). [I still have ten lemons sitting, peeled and naked, in a bowl.  I’m not really sure what to do with them right now.  I suppose when life […]

What you see in this photograph is a diabetes-friendly banana bread. Technically speaking, no one in my family has diabetes . . . yet.  But as my parents age, the danger is always there.  My father’s doctor has already warned him that he is at risk for Type II diabetes. So he has to watch […]

Since coming home, I’ve been trying to eat healthier.  Law school is not conducive to weight loss, and I’ve taken it upon myself to lose some law school flub in the next few weeks.  By eating several small meals a day and working out like a madwoman (I played tennis twice yesterday and ran/walked over […]

I put a little too much brandy in, I think.  Woozy from the fumes, really. I made this for a small competition for my school’s Korean American Law Students Association.  They had their end-of-year barbecue last week, and the second annual baking/dessert contest.  (I think) I got second place last year, so I figured I’d […]

Happy New Year! I still have a huge backlog of pictures sitting on my hard drive and camera, waiting to be posted.  I might just make the next few entries picture-only, with minimal text, just to get it all out. But today, my friends, I give you a recipe! 😀 To be quite honest with […]