Archive for the ‘law school’ Category

I was flooded with an insane amount of good news recently.  Friends, this entry is for you. Med School Win! I received a phone call on Friday from L, my best friend since High School.  Awesome news!  She was accepted into UCSF med school.  I, in the middle of crossing the street at this point, […]

Come out and support my friend, E, as he launches his booklet!  In my last post, I met with E at a coffeeshop (slash-winebar) called Ma’Velous, where he was setting out and planning the layout for his upcoming show and fundraiser. The event is co-hosted by Sidewalk Empire ( and HYPHEN Magazine (  There’s a […]

It’s been one of those years.  One of those years that’s so full that it feels like a thousand years jammed into a single, simple 365-day run. So full that I don’t know where to begin. I’ll just start somewhere and see where it ends up. After all, that’s how most stories begin. Forget the […]



For the first time in recent history, my stress levels have dropped below critical, and I can begin breathing again! In other words, I have finally completed the Bar.  It was a horrible three days, but they were spent among nearly 2000 friends and fellow exam takers, and we all made it through together. Congratulations […]

Actually, I lie.  This is how I ate in early July when I didn’t want to study.  Duck confit, brussels sprouts, cornbread (it was the 4th of July, I think, and I had a hankering for cornbread), and a nice Bordeaux.  Oh yum. Now that it’s mid-July and there are just seven (7?!) short days […]

I was in the library for ten straight hours yesterday.  Today, it was seven hours.  If this trend continues, by the end of the week, I will have spent more hours in the library over the course of this week than I have all 3L year.  Maybe all of 2L year. What that says about […]

Happy Fourth of July, everyone!  Or, as I like to imitate a drunken fool yelling on our Independence Day in D.C. once, long ago: “Happy For Your Life!” It was 1996, and my family had just moved to Washington, D.C.  As newly arrived residents to the great state of Maryland (from Alabama by way of Texas, […]

Got this fortune in my cookie on Saturday.  I might need to frame it and hang it up in my room somewhere to keep me going. I wonder how accurate it is– one of my current plans is to marry a multi-millionaire (or was it billionaire?).   😀  I wonder . . .  If you are […]

Risotto is the ultimate comfort food.  The smooth and chewy texture of rice cooked to plump perfection in a thick, starchy sauce flavored with a light hint of spices and cheese is heaven.  When a large pot of risotto is slowly simmering on the stovetop with an aroma chock full of flavors just waiting to […]

If you know me at all, you know that I’ve been longing for Spain and the food of Los Vascos (the Basque) since I returned Stateside in January.  So imagine my excitement and surprise when, soon after moving back to San Francisco, I heard of Txoko, a restaurant featuring Basque food!  Spanish Basque food!  (Usually the […]